Friday, March 02, 2007

still 143

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This a picture of my new Chico....he was 8 weeks when I got him. He is a really smart little guy. I love him so much already!!

wow.....well I'm still 143. But I know I am building muscle so I am oay with it, not freaking out just yet.

I have been faithful to the program, and honestly, it is really kicking my butt but I like it. I still look forward to it everyday. It's a great bunch of ladies and the workout is not for wimps. I still have to stop sometimes and just march in place but that's okay.

I'm having family problems right now, it's my sister. She is acting like a tramp (I REALLY mean being one) and I'm not sure if I should confront her or just ignore her. She calls every couple of days and I have been avoiding her so far, but I am SO angry I want to tell her how I feel...but that would probably be wrong so I won't do it yet. Maybe once I am calm and I can tell her how I feel without getting angry, I will call her.

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