Thursday, February 22, 2007


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I love this photo....this is a picture Katie took during our ice storm. It was awful and scary but we are fine thank God. We did lose power, we were forced to go to a hotel because Drew and I had the flu and were just too sick to stay ina cold house.

The title of this post is 143. I am mortified to share that I weigh 143. I weighed this 2 weeks ago and since then I have started a workout program at a local church. It is hard core! I have not lost any weight yet but I know I will. I am sore but also energized!! I want to share my struggle and share my progress!

The program is FIT for CHRIST.......FIT stands for Forming Individual Temples

It is fun and hard at the same time. What I love most is that the ladies there are so encouraging to each other. We were running laps one day and they would scream "Good job Amy!!" and "Keep up the good work"

Today was the step workout....whew. Then we did about 50 stomach crunches. Well, they did! HA...I couldn't do them all, I had to stop several times. But I kept trying....

Anyway, my goal is to be 120. It can be done!!

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