Monday, March 06, 2006

Looney Clooney & the Brokeback Brigade

Hi all! This post is from Lee~~~one more and he has to get his own BLOG!!!!!

So how about those Oscars last night? I usually take a pass on all the award shows, but with all the hoopla over the homosexuals and their movies I had to see how this would all be presented. I mean, the five films up for best picture dealt with:

1) Homosexual cowboys. (BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN)
2) Homosexual author. (CAPOTE)
3) Racism. (CRASH)
4) McCarthyism. (is that a timely topic or what) (GOOD NIGHT, AND GOOD LUCK)
5) How the Jews are to blame for Muslims murdering innocent Jews. (MUNICH)

Hey, who says you can’t escape for two hours and have a good time at the movies? Despite all that, I feel Christians need to be aware of what’s going on out there. That is why I watched.

The show opened with an skit featuring fair-and-balanced host Jon Stewart, who dreams he wakes up next to a smirking, satisfied-looking George Clooney. Except he’s not dreaming. And yes, the skit wants you to believe they just finished up a “brokeback” session of their own. It made me laugh only because a week ago I told Amy I thought Clooney, a heartthrob of women everywhere, was in fact gay. For such an outspoken fellow, I’m not sure why he won’t just come out of the closet now. Or as Amy said, maybe it’s the biggest inside joke in Hollywood. Now that I think about it, I guess that makes “Syriana” about a homosexual too! No wonder it got so much press.

Later on Clooney (surprise!) wins an Oscar. In his acceptance speech he embraced the idea that he and all of Hollywood were “out of touch” with the rest of America. After all, as Clooney stated with such moral authority, actors were the first ones to talk about AIDS. Oh how America was discriminating, stigmatizing, not doing enough for people with AIDS. But in his smugness, Georgie forgot one thing: gay actors were doing more to spread the disease back then than any other group. Except for regular, garden-variety homosexuals, that is.

“It’s not a gay disease!” Well, it was in the beginning. And 20 years later, after we’d been promised that by now it would be primarily a heterosexual affliction, guess who makes up the largest percentage of AIDS “victims”? That’s right, homosexual men!! Hey, somebody cue up “We Are The Champions!”

Maybe there’s a reason this little nugget found its way into the Bible:

“… also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men
committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion…
Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only
continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.” Romans 1: 27, 32 (NIV)

There is always a penalty for violating the “laws of nature and of nature’s God.” Remember that phrase? It’s written in our Declaration of Independence. If I get stupid and decide to test gravity by jumping off a 10-story building, I get the smack down from natural law. Do homosexuals think they’re special?

No, it’s worse than that. They merely believe they are gods unto themselves. Hence the Word of God is not the answer, but Christians and their intolerance of Supreme Man are the problem. My feeling is great, go ahead, knock yourself out. Think you’re a god and get jiggy with your brokeback self all day long. But keep the noise pollution to yourselves. While we’re at it, get all raunchy sex scenes off the screen, hetero or homo. You can’t name one that enhanced the art without appealing to the vulgar.

But the most offensive thing last night was the ridiculous way the (alleged) homosexual Clooney tried to tie the issue of gay rights to civil rights, by mentioning Hattie McDaniel, in 1939 the first black to win an Oscar. I love it when liberals wrap themselves up in the civil rights flag. As if liberalism and Hollywood’s promotion of its depraved beliefs hasn’t done enough to destroy the black community. Welfare and food stamps and free public housing for all!!

Where has that Democratic utopian idea led African-Americans? In 1965 most black children had a mother and a father at home. Now over 70% of blacks are born out of wedlock. Crime rates, drug abuse, we all know the real deal. But hey black America, watch more gay films!! If you change sides now, eventually there won’t be those pesky children to worry about!!

It doesn’t stop there. Isn’t it funny that white liberals are the biggest promoters of free, unbridled abortions for black women? Did somebody say “organized genocide?” I would worry more about this, but as a Republican I’ll just wait until African-Americans wake up and realize that Democrats want them either holed up in a “free” ghetto or aborted, whichever happens first. And I’ll pray they stop voting 95% for the butchers of their babies.

Christians must decide what is more important: reveling in the feel-good humanist idea of tolerance, or following the crystal clear Word of God. We may not be homosexual, but are we in any way “approving” of their indecent acts? Maybe next time “Will & Grace” comes on we should turn off the TV and curl up with the book of Romans instead.

Pat Buchanan once said that homosexuality has gone, in our lifetime, from the “love that dare not speak its name” to one that refuses to shut up. Please, just shut up. Stop trying to pass off gay porn as a plea for tolerance. “Love the sinner, hate the sin,” you say. Fair enough. But I can’t promise how much sympathy I will have in a few years when the gay cowboy, AIDS ravaging his body, stares at his daily drug cocktail and mournfully says, “I wish I could quit you.”

© 2006 by Lee Richardson


Julie Ann said...

Good post. Challenging, convicting, funny, true, and feather ruffling. That's my oldest brother! Amy's right, get your own blog, it would be great! (especially if the posts are like this!) I think you'll get some viewers.

Hollywood may even come knockin' to defend their pride and fights for civil liberties. hah!

Amy :) said...

Yes Lee, I should get your own blog. Mine is a kinder gentler blog...hahaha