Tuesday, March 21, 2006


OK, so maybe I have been a little worked up the past few days....but like the title of my blog implies....my posts reveal whatever is on "MY HEART" at that moment. One day something intense, next day maybe something funny.

My kids had spring break this week-end...that's all they get, a 4 day week-end. They do get another one in April though. We got up on Saturday morning and took them to breakfast at McDonald's and let them play in the playcenter, it was Lee's idea. They thought that was so cool, even Katie still likes to run around and play in it even though she is now officially taller than me. She is at that age when half the time she wants to be silly and play dressup and the other half of the time she is just indifferent and sulking about nothing in particular. I remember those days.

We rarely go out to eat, we just mainly use the drive thrus. Lee and I sometimes act like germ-o-phobes at restaurants, but just think about it for a minute.....

Think about all the people who sit in those chairs and eat at that table at McDonalds. Where have they been, what have they been doing? When did they last wash their hands? You sit down and touch all thse edges where other people have touched and then you touch your food. You can't possibly avoid touching the table or chair.

What about the carts at Wal-mart....yuk! Think about all the germs. I think they should make disposeable cart handle covers like they make flushable toilet seat covers. And I can't stand to have to take one of the kids into the bathroom in public ....they touch things! At least Drew can point and pee but he still touches things!

Sometimes when we buy clothes the kids will want to wear them right away....then I have to explain how gross that is. What if a kid wiped his nose on it, or spit on it, or worse!!

Oh well....I'm really not a germ-o-phobe but if I thought about it long enough, I probably could become one.


pebblepie said...

Oooh we have at least 50 cases a year here in Seattle of that flesh eating bacteria, nearly half don't make it. Last week a woman went to the E.R. complaining of a bad stomach ache, she was dead in 36 hours!
Just wash your hands, and carry that antibacterial gel hand cleaner...
Or start wearing gloves, at least keep a pair in your purse, in case you have to touch something you're not sure of... and don't touch your eyes, nose , face what ever till you can wash your hands.
Nothing wrong with be a diligent hand washer.


Amy :) said...

Oh my gosh! That's awful, I don't hear much about that these days, I haven't thought about it in a long time. I didn't know it was still killing so many.

I do know that my family suffered a killer stomach virus starting Sat night with my 6 year old, then me and my 4 year old, and he was still sick last night. Remember I said we ate at McDonald's on Saturday morning....