Wednesday, May 24, 2006


GO CROCKER SLAMMERS!!! Hannah and Drew played their first baseball game last night. It was SO funny!! But their team won. Drew was of course the little comedian and Hannah was as serious as ever. I told her she ran really fast and she said "I ran like the wind!".....they had fun and that's what really matters. Of course when we got there my camcorder wouldn't work, it is 7 years old. We really want one of those new DVD recording camcorders anyway so we'll have to save up I guess. They both hit the ball well and ran fast. I still can't TAB down and start a new paragraph, very very annoying. And, I would load a picture, if I could........ugh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back. I have checked in from time to time and was wondering what happened to you. Parker played t-ball this year for the first time. It was very entertaining to say the least. Now he wants to do Karate.

Continue to blog. I love keeping up with you.

JenniferD in Decatur